
(tip) Nextcloud: Manual upgrade on OpenBSD

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Upgrade NC (Nextcloud ) is very easy… Either you do it:

  • With the web updater.
  • Manually, as me.
  • Via the packages management.

FYI : This article explains the manual process under OpenBSD, with nginx, PHP 7.3.

Upgrading Process

This process used few years ago, since v 15.*, as KISS.

Stop Web Service

The first action disables domain:

Code: sh

# rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mon-domaine.net
# nginx -t && rcctl restart nginx


Presume user web is www.

Need to log as: $ su -l www

  1. Go to the nextcloud folder: cd www/nextcloud
  2. Need to modify the config file: sed -i -e 's#/htdocs#/var/www/htdocs#' config/config.php
  3. And enable the maintenance mode: php-7.3 occ maintenance:mode --on


  1. Go to the parent folder www\ :
  2. Create an usefull version variable named v.
  3. Download the actual archive and her checksum sha256 file.
  4. Check the checksum

Code: sh

$ cd ../
$ v="17.0.1"
$ for ext in bz2 bz2.sha256; do curl -O https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-$v.tar.$ext; done
$ sha256 -c nextcloud-$v.tar.bz2.sha256

If the result of SHA is (SHA256) nextcloud-$v.tar.bz2: OK, it’s good; if not, re-download-it!


  • moving actuel folder nextcloud with date and old number version.
  • untar the archive.
  • delete file CAN_INSTALL; (we’re not looking to reinstall)!

Code: sh

$ oldvers="16.0.6"
$ date="$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
$ oldnc="nextcloud-${date}-${oldvers}"
$ mv nextcloud ${oldnc}

$ tar xjvf nextcloud-$v.tar.bz2
$ rm -fP config/CAN_INSTALL

First Checks

Here, you must be careful:

  • copy old config file to new folder config: cp ${oldnc}/config/config.php nextcloud/config/
  • Now, diff the oldier app folder with new folder to copy all not natives apps.
  • Egual, with themes, if necessary.


  • Put the rights users on all files and folders into the folder nextcloud/
  • And, others rights systems.

Code: sh

$ webuser="www"
$ chown -R "${webuser}":www nextcloud
$ find nextcloud/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
$ find nextcloud/ -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;

Upgrade NC himself

  • Just go to the right folder: cd nextcloud/
  • Use the tool occ, as: php-7.3 occ upgrade
    • if success, go out the maintenance mode: php-7.3 occ maintenance:mode --off

And, at the final, re-sed the config file to delete /var/www : sed -i -e 's#/var/www/htdocs#/htdocs#' config/config.php

Restart Web Service

  • Enable domain and restart web server, as:

Code: sh

# cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
# ln -s mon-domaine.net ../sites-enabled/
# nginx -t && rcctl restart nginx
  • Now, connect you at the WebAdmin as admin user, et apply all updates for the apps.

And, voilà!


BE CAREFULL: If you copy this TL;DR as-is, you will crash your instal!

Code: sh

// stop web services
# rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mon-domaine.net
# nginx -t && rcctl restart nginx

// connexion as user web
# webuser="www"
# su -l $webuser

$ cd /var/www/htdocs/mon-domaine.net/www/nextcloud/
$ sed -i -e 's#/htdocs#/var/www/htdocs#' config/config.php
$ php-7.3 occ maintenance:mode --on

// downlad archives, and checksum
$ cd ../
$ v="17.0.1"
$ for ext in bz2 bz2.sha256; do curl -O https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-$v.tar.$ext; done
$ sha256 -c nextcloud-$v.tar.bz2.sha256

// Untar
$ oldvers="16.0.6"
$ date="$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
$ oldnc="nextcloud-${date}-${oldvers}"
$ mv nextcloud ${oldnc}

$ tar xjvf nextcloud-$v.tar.bz2
$ rm -fP config/CAN_INSTALL

// cp config
$ cp ${oldnc}/config/config.php nextcloud/config/

// cp only apps not native; dont recopy this command as-is:
$ cp all ${oldnc}/apps diff to new nextcloud/apps

// egual for themes, if need
$ cp all ${oldnc}/themes to new nextcloud/themes

$ chown -R "${webuser}":www nextcloud
$ find nextcloud/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
$ find nextcloud/ -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;

// occ upgrage process
$ cd nextcloud/
$ php-7.3 occ upgrade
$ php-7.3 occ maintenance:mode --off

$ sed -i -e 's#/var/www/htdocs#/htdocs#' config/config.php

// exit

// restart web services
# cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
# ln -s mon-domaine.net ../sites-enabled/
# nginx -t && rcctl restart nginx


If the upgrade process fails with one of thoses errors messages:

Error: Nextcloud is not installed


Code: sh

$ php-7.3 occ help upgrade
Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available

  Command "upgrade" is not defined.

help [--format FORMAT] [--raw] [--] [<command_name>]
  • Have you really copy the oldier config file to the new folder config?
  • Try this tip: php-7.3 occ maintenance:repair

Error: you are trying to reinstall your Nextcloud

When you connect to the WebUI, you had this message:



It looks like you are trying to reinstall your Nextcloud. However the file CAN_INSTALL is missing from your config directory. Please create the file CAN_INSTALL in your config folder to continue.

  • Go to delete the file CAN_INSTALL under the new folder config.

the files are not visibles

  • Try: php-7.3 console.php files:scan --all

OCC Commands

As a reminder,, this usefull command occ: php occ list

And see this “manpage”: occ .