
Hugo Search: a 'build-in' search engine (JQueryUI: Autocomplete + JSON)

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This article has 431 words.
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Commit version: 5ed7c38


Few months ago, I wrote this first article to build a ‘build-in’ base search engine, with JQueryUI autocomplete(). (See )

On this blog, Hugo generates one feed at the JSON format, named feed.json, available on the homepage. And, Hugo has a native function getJSON

Let’s go back to the code !



Firstly, I write a $feed variable; her value is the absolute path for the file feed.json.

{{- $baseURL := site.BaseURL | absLangURL -}}
{{- $feed :=  urls.JoinPath $baseURL "/feed.json" | absLangURL -}}


JQuery code is quasi the same: except this difference, Hugo’s range function will directly call the content returned by the getJSON function.

The code:

{{- with resources.Get $feed -}}
<!-- Javascript -->
$(function() {
	var projects = [
        {{- range .items -}}
			value: "{{ safeHTML .title }}",
			label: "{{ safeHTML .summary }}",
			url:"{{ safeURL .url }}"
		{{- end -}}
		minLength: 0,
		source: projects,
		focus: function( event, ui ) {
			$("#search").val( ui.item.label );
			return false;
		select: function( event, ui ) {
			$("#search").val( ui.item.label );
			$("#replyer").val( ui.item.value );
			return false;
	.data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
		return $('<li>')
		.append('<a href="' + item.url + '" alt="'+ item.label + '">' + item.value + '</a>' )
{{- end -}}


Make HTML is always so simple:

<input class="form-control" id="search" placeholder="{{ T "searchHolderTitle" }}">
<input aria-hidden="true" id="replyer" class="hidden">


<div id="search">
    <input class="form-control" id="search" placeholder="{{ T "searchHolderTitle" }}">
    <input aria-hidden="true" id="replyer" class="hidden">
    {{- $baseURL := site.BaseURL | absLangURL -}}
    {{- $feed :=  urls.JoinPath $baseURL "/feed.json" | absLangURL -}}
    {{- with resources.Get $feed -}}
    <!-- Javascript -->
$(function() {
	var projects = [
        {{- range .items -}}
			value: "{{ safeHTML .title }}",
			label: "{{ safeHTML .summary }}",
			url:"{{ safeURL .url }}"
		{{- end -}}
		minLength: 0,
		source: projects,
		focus: function( event, ui ) {
			$("#search").val( ui.item.label );
			return false;
		select: function( event, ui ) {
			$("#search").val( ui.item.label );
			$("#replyer").val( ui.item.value );
			return false;
	.data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
		return $('<li>')
		.append('<a href="' + item.url + '" alt="'+ item.label + '">' + item.value + '</a>' )
    {{- end -}}



Q : When you use Hugo into its environment development, it made severals errors, and stop, as: ERROR 2020/08/27 08:16:41 Failed to get JSON resource “http://localhost:1313/fr/feed.json”: Get “http://localhost:1313/fr/feed.json”: dial tcp [::1]:1313: connect: connection refused

A : The server is not able to call a data not builded.
